Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Vatican Cookbook

The Vatican Cookbook: Presented by the Pontifical Swiss Guard by David Geisser 
204 pages 
NonFiction - Cookbook

This is a beautiful coffee table cookbook featuring the Pope's private security force - the Swiss Guard. It features favorite meals of the last 3 Popes as well as the Swiss Guard. Interspersed with these recipes is information about the Swiss Guard; their history, training and life in the service. There are beautiful images from the Vatican on almost every page, including private areas accessible to the guards.

I happily discovered this book at the library and spent an hour hungrily devouring the photos and information on the Swiss Guard. I loved seeing Pope St. JPII again as well as Pope Benedict! The recipes included good Polish and Italian dishes, but seemed a bit fussy. Apparently, the book was put together by a member of the Swiss Guard who is also a world-renowned chef. Way beyond my cooking abilities!

For me, this book was worth spending time with for the photos and information on the Swiss Guard alone.

Recommended For: Chefs. Lovers of the Vatican. People interested in the Swiss Guard.

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