Wednesday, October 25, 2023

A Lady's Guide to Fortune Hunting


A Lady's Guide to Fortune Hunting
by Sophie Irwin
325 pages

Kitty Talbot finds herself in crisis when her long-standing engagement to a wealthy neighbor is broken. As the oldest daughter in a titled but poor English family, she throws herself into the upcoming social season with the sole aim of capturing a wealthy husband to save her family from financial ruin. But in the high-stakes game of upper-crust marriages of Regency-era England nothing is ever assured. Game on!

This is a great debut novel by a new (2022) English author. It read like a professional book, not a sloppy debut novel or bad chick lit. Yay! It was an easy, light & fun read. It was also notably a clean book; I found it through ReadAloudRevival's adult recommendations. I would read more by this author.

Initially the book was a lot of fun but then I started disliking the heroine because she was too ruthless with other people's lives. There also seemed to be subtle messaging at one point that "kindness" was the most important thing in judging a person's goodness, even if they were a prostitute or had other obvious red flags.

However, once Kitty meets Lord Radcliff, she has a proper opponent and the game is on! It became fun to read again and I greatly enjoyed it. Predictable (a la Jane Austen) but still a highly pleasurable read. It occupied my mind through minor surgery and a brief hospital stay. So grateful!

This book gave me so much pleasure, it started me down a rabbit hole of reading non-fiction books about American women who married into the British aristocracy.

Fans of Jane Austen and Regency-era England! Adult readers who love to escape into the refinement of life in a previous era.


  1. Hi julie, i read every entry but don't often comment. I so appreciate the way you thoughtfully analyze the books you read. I've gotten so many enjoyable recommendations from this blog! Hoping you and your family are well.

  2. Thanks, Ellen! I greatly appreciate your kind words. I think you might like this one! - Julie
