Thursday, August 20, 2020

Trapp Family Singers

The Story of the Trapp Family Singers by Maria Augusta von Trapp 
320 pages
NonFiction - Memoir 

Originally published in 1949. Maria once said something like: Hollywood is more glamorous, but reality is more interesting. This is her real life memoir which covers her departure from the convent through her husband's death in America. Her personality shines through and it feels as if she is speaking directly to you. Her humility allows her to retell incredible tales with the utmost sincerity, never shying away from a funny story at her own expense. Her profound faith is also deeply moving. The reader sees the words "Thy Will be Done" throughout the book - in her words and in her actions.

The first 125 pages will be familiar to anyone who has seen the movie Sound of Music. I was amazed to discover how many things from the movie actually happened in real life! The book then follows the family on their singing tours for many years. Their touring years got a bit repetitive but were still highly readable and entertaining. Sometimes I got a little annoyed with Maria's lack of business sense, but this family chose their own path and were true to it. I would love to have known them in real life!

I read many select pages to my 6-year old and she loved it. Probably because I used a "Maria" voice and my daughter loves stories about big families, barons and princesses! There is nothing immoral or especially concerning for children (although the Christmas chapter does discuss things from the parent's point of view - hint, hint). However, the language is sophisticated/old-fashioned and the sentences complex. This book was written for adults - advanced middle schoolers or high schoolers could also probably read and enjoy it. Or listen to it as an audiobook!

RECOMMENDED FOR: Singers. Music lovers. Sound of Music lovers. History buffs interested in 1940's America. Lovers of big families. Anyone seeking a lively memoir.

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