Friday, August 21, 2020

Mother Angelica

Mother Angelica: The Remarkable Story of a Nun, Her Nerve, and a Network of Miracles by Raymond Arroyo
400 pages  NonFiction - Biography

 Woah! There is so much backstory to this seemingly sweet old nun with religious a tv show. A compelling read!

Mother Angelica's life was incredible. She had a difficult childhood with physical ailments, an unstable home, and an arguably abusive mother. Living close to poverty in crime ridden neighborhoods with exposure to mean-spirited nuns and critical fellow Catholics, it is a miracle Mother Angelica ended up in the convent! Once in the convent, she rose with astonishing speed and eventually created EWTN through boldness backed by one miracle after another.

Her earthy and strong personality are unmistakable. She provides a beautiful example of redemptive suffering. And a disheartening insight into church politics. It is also interesting to read her experiences as she lives through Vatican II and the charismatic movement. Mother Angelica's story and personality is so incredible that she is either a great saint or a great con-person. She is too out there to be anything in the middle! Judging from the orthodoxy and fruits of her work, I'm leaning toward saint.

RECOMMENDED FOR: People interested in Catholic media, Mother Angelica or ETWN. People interested in life inside a convent. People searching for a modern day and earthy life of a saint - albeit controversial and akin to Joan of Arc.

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